Combined Series and Parallel Circuits

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Název Combined Series and Parallel Circuits
Popis This inquiry lab is to be completed after initial series and parallel circuits concepts are first taught. Combining series and parallel concepts into one circuit is the next step. Ideally the students would attempt to solve the circuits first before constructing them virtually. However, the simulator will provide a visual aid for the students to better understand how and why the current ends up splitting at each junction.
Předmět Fyzika
Úroveň Střední škola, Vysokoškolák - začínající
Typ Lab
Trvání 60 minuty
Včetně odpovědi Ano
Jazyk English
Klíčová slova series parallel circuits electricity
Simulace Konstrukce obvodů (stejnosměrných), Circuit Construction Kit (DC Only), Virtual Lab

Autor(ři) Jeffrey Hsi
Škola / Organizace Valley Stream South H.S.
Datum vložení 4.4.14
Datum aktualizace 4.4.14