Introduction to Refraction

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Naslov Introduction to Refraction
Opis My students have not yet learned how to do inquiry. In this lab, I attempt to demonstrate and articulate the process. It's very closely guided for the first two experiments, but at the end, students have to design and conduct their own simple experiment.
Subjekt Fizika
Nivo High School (Viša škola)
Tip Domaći zad., Guided Activity, Lab, Remote Learning
Trajanje 90 minuta
Uključen odgovor Ne
Jezik Engleski
Ključne riječi developing inquiry skills, refraction of light
Simulacije Prelamanje svjetlosti (HTML5)

Autori: Cynthia Cudaback
Škola / Organizacija Pinole Valley High School
Poslato 2/7/22
Obnovljeno 2/7/22