NGSS Eating and Exercise Activity HS-LS1-2

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Naslov NGSS Eating and Exercise Activity HS-LS1-2
Opis This is designed to be an online activity for breakout rooms in online learning. Students will model matter and energy and simulate different weight goals.
Subjekt Biologija
Nivo High School (Viša škola)
Tip Domaći zad., Lab, Remote Learning
Trajanje 90 minuta
Uključen odgovor Ne
Jezik Engleski
Ključne riječi BMR, LS1-2, NGSS, calories, energy, matter, model, modelling, online, remote learning, zoom

Autori: Melissa Pain
Škola / Organizacija Hong Kong International school
Poslato 8/24/20
Obnovljeno 8/24/20