Friction Investigation

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Naslov Friction Investigation
Opis The force of friction acts opposite the direction of the original force. Friction is caused due to attractive forces between the molecules near the surface of objects in contact with one another. Through this simulation, students will have a clear understanding of the function the force of friction plays when two objects are in contact with one another. Students will be able to identify what friction is and how it resists the movement of objects.
Subjekt Fizika
Nivo K-5 (OŠ)
Tip Lab
Trajanje 30 minuta
Uključen odgovor Ne
Jezik Engleski
Ključne riječi forces, friction, mass, net force, newtons, speed
Simulacije Sile i kretanje - Osnove (HTML5)

Autori: mary kubat
Škola / Organizacija hunter college
Poslato 2/27/20
Obnovljeno 2/27/20