PhET Greenhouse Effect Simulations

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Naslov PhET Greenhouse Effect Simulations
Opis Students use two PhET simulations — Molecules and Light and The Greenhouse Effect — to better understand how atmospheric and greenhouse gases interact with light energy from the Sun and heat energy from the Earth's surface. Activity also includes a short reading about greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect from NOAA.
Subjekt Nauka o Zemlji
Nivo High School (Viša škola), Middle School (Srednja škola)
Tip Discussion Prompts, Guided Activity
Trajanje 60 minuta
Uključen odgovor Ne
Jezik Engleski
Ključne riječi greenhouse, greenhouse effect, greenhouse gases
Simulacije EFEKAT STAKLENE BAŠTE, Molekule i svjetlost (HTML5)

Autori: Jack Ganse
Škola / Organizacija Boulder Valley School District
Poslato 11/30/17
Obnovljeno 11/30/17