The Basics of Gene Expression

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Naslov The Basics of Gene Expression
Opis This presentation covers the basics of how DNA is transcribed and translated, and the different players in these processes, and is a theoretical guide to the associated PhET animation.
Subjekt Biologija
Nivo High School (Viša škola), Middle School (Srednja škola), Osnovni studij - Uvod
Tip Demonstracija, Guided Activity
Trajanje 30 minuta
Uključen odgovor Ne
Jezik Engleski
Ključne riječi DNA, genetics, mRNA destroyer, molecular biology, polymerase, promoter, transcription factor
Simulacije Osobine gena - Osnove

Autori: Sarina Lalla
Škola / Organizacija McGill University
Poslato 11/9/16
Obnovljeno 11/9/16