Atom Builder

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Naslov Atom Builder
Opis A quick computer lab using the PhET Atom Builder simulation for 10th grade regular level chemistry. Done with Glencoe Chemistry Matter & Change (2008). Most students can complete in 48 minutes with the remaining parts assigned as homework. Feel free to modify.
Subjekt Hemija
Nivo High School (Viša škola)
Tip Domaći zad., Guided Activity, Lab
Trajanje 60 minuta
Uključen odgovor Ne
Jezik Engleski
Ključne riječi atomic number, atoms, charge, mass number
Simulacije Izgradi atom (HTML5)

Autori: Thomas Isaac
Škola / Organizacija South Fayette High School
Poslato 10/1/16
Obnovljeno 10/1/16