Static Electricity Lab!

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Naslov Static Electricity Lab!
Opis Students follow the handout directions to complete the guided lab while using the Balloons and Static Electricity and John Travoltage simulators.
Subjekt Fizika
Nivo Middle School (Srednja škola)
Tip Guided Activity, Lab
Trajanje 30 minuta
Uključen odgovor Ne
Jezik Engleski
Ključne riječi attract, charge, current, friction, negative, neutral, positive, repel
Simulacije Baloni i statički elektricitet (HTML5), Džontra, dakle, Volta (HTML5)

Autori: Jamie Schoenberger
Škola / Organizacija Windermere Preparatory School
Poslato 5/31/16
Obnovljeno 5/31/16