Isotopes and Atomic Mass - Guided Inquiry Activity A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Naslov Isotopes and Atomic Mass - Guided Inquiry Activity
Opis This guided-inquiry activity has two learning goals -- Students will be able to, Students will be able to:(1) Explain the difference between atomic mass and mass number, and (2) Calculate average atomic mass from percent abundance and isotopic mass.
Subjekt Hemija
Nivo Osnovni studij - Uvod
Tip Guided Activity
Trajanje 60 minuta
Uključen odgovor Ne
Jezik Engleski
Ključne riječi atomic mass, average atomic mass, isotope, isotope abundance, mass number
Simulacije Izotopi i atomska masa (HTML5), IZOTOPI I ATOMSKE MASE

Autori: Timothy Herzog
Škola / Organizacija PhET
Poslato 11/5/14
Obnovljeno 5/24/16