Discovering patterns of current and voltage in series and parallel circuits Qızıl ulduz PhET dizayn qaydalarına əməl edən yüksək keyfiyyətli, sorğuya əsaslanan fəaliyyətləri göstərir.

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Title Discovering patterns of current and voltage in series and parallel circuits
Description In this guided lab activity, students measure voltage and current in different designs of circuit. Students decide what to measure in order to generate their own rules to describe how current and voltage behave in different circuits. Students also make predictions about the brightness of light bulbs in different circuits, based on the rules they created.
Subject Physics
Level High School
Type Guided Activity, Lab
Duration 90 minutes
Answers Included No
Language İngiliscə
Keywords current, measurement, parallel, series, voltage
Simulation(s) Dövrə yığım dəsti: Sabit cərəyan (HTML5)

Author(s) Argenta Price, Alan Calac
School / Organization PhET, SFUSD
Date submitted 12/18/18
Date updated 12/20/18