Investigating Properties of Transverse Waves Qızıl ulduz PhET dizayn qaydalarına əməl edən yüksək keyfiyyətli, sorğuya əsaslanan fəaliyyətləri göstərir.

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Title Investigating Properties of Transverse Waves
Description Students investigate the properties of transverse waves - tension, frequency, amplitude and damping. They also explore what happens when a wave is attached to a fixed and a loose end.
Subject Physics
Level High School
Type Lab
Duration 60 minutes
Answers Included No
Language İngiliscə
Keywords amplitude, damping, frequency, tension
Simulation(s) Wave on a String

Author(s) Elyse Zimmer
School / Organization KIPP Houston Public Schools
Date submitted 7/21/14
Date updated 7/21/14