Photoelectric Effect

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العنوان Photoelectric Effect
الوصف The rapid development of science and technology provides new breakthrough in teaching methods of physics. One of them is with usage the Physics Education Technology (PheT) software. In the event of the photoelectric effect, where the surface of a metal (cathode) is illuminated with a beam of light (color red, yellow, green, blue, and purple) with wavelengths (λ) such that causing electrons to bounce out. The speed and energy of the radiated electrons depends on the intensity and wavelength of the light source. Experimentally, the voltage is slowed down continuously magnified until it should be zero. The voltage in question this is called the stop potential (Vs).
مادة الفيزياء
المستوى المرحلة الجامعية - المتقدمة
نوع واجب منزلي
إجابات متضمنة نعم
اللغة الاندونيسية
الكلمات المفتاحبة PhET، Software، photoelectric effect، planck constant
تقنيات المحاكاة ظاهرة التأثير الكهروضوئي

مؤلفون Azyyati 06
المدرسة/ المنظمة Azyyati
تم إرساله 19/03/20
تم تحديثه 19/03/20